Sunday, September 30, 2012

On weirdness and lonliness

Loneliness is kind of strange. I mean, we all know what it is, but we never seem to recognize it in ourselves. We say things like "I'm actually happier when I live alone." Or "It's only three cats and one dog. And two gerbils." And "Okay, so that's Dean, and that's his brother Sam, and their dad died trying to hunt down the yellow-eyed demon that killed their  mother when Sam was a baby by pinning her to the ceiling of his nursery and burning her alive....." And when you sing along to all the commercials. Or you read six books in 2 weeks and tell people you are a voracious reader.

You get my drift.

So I let my daughter throw a big birthday party for my granddaughter's 7th birthday. Silence never sounded

I had four bad dreams last night. One was about me and other survivors in some kind of post-apocalyptic world, trying to find a place to live; then my granddaughters were with in the the same said dream, only this was a separate dream; then I knew of a person who was killing women; then I was the obsession of this killer and was fighting for my life.

The whole damn night was weird. -_-

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