Sunday, September 30, 2012

Food, nightmares, and me

Hmmm...... nothing but nightmares last night. Four of them, to be exact. Not cool. All with the same theme. Nuts. -_-

Anyhoo, I am out of my seasonal rut, at least until it bombards me again. This time of year is so rough, but it's getting better, so I am hopeful.

I wish I could go to another country and work as a missionary. I feel such a desire to help people, and I am so limited here, with no car. I am going to the Salvation Army to volunteer, and possibly the library, too, since I did work there.

I have read 6 books in the last two weeks. Yeah, I read a lot, but it's an escape mechanism, too. I am taking going to be getting my degree in holistic and natural nutritional health. I know how much changing my diet has helped me, and I can use my psychology studies to help in my understanding and treatment of others' issues with food, be it poor diet, too much food, not enough, etc. But I want to offer competitive rates for people who cannot afford the higher priced nutritionists. Poor people need it, too. And if I have to offer freebies, I will. Just because a person has no money, doesn't mean he/she shouldn't be entitled to a healthy mind and food.

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