Saturday, February 6, 2010

Newbie Alert!!

I am so new to this I squeak. My genre is poetry and short stories. Obviously I am not going to be publishing a book with one poem or story in it. Or am I........? I am scared, uncertain, excited, and determined. I enrolled in Winghill Writing School to help me get a leg up. I am also taking two online writing workshops. Need to exercise those brain muscles.

I have talent...I already know that. I have been writing since I was 10 years old. I wrote for two newspapers, so I can write articles. My college essays all received 'A's.' But I am not Stephen King. That lucky, freakishly talented *******.

I am also preparing for NaNoWriMo. For those who don't know, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month-November-in which writers from all over the world commit to writing 50,000 words. The website is You register, get a page, and submit your writing as you go, getting the word count and helpful advice, feedback, and friendship from fellow writers. It's fun, and great exercise for your writing brain. Some people don't make it to 50,000 words, which is okay. The main point is just to get your creative juices enjoy  the camaraderie of the writing community. Some actually go on to finish novels and get published. Some just do it for the fun of it. 

I write poetry and short stories, so I am not sure how I will do. Maybe it will be just the thing I need to nudge that book out of me. Could you imagine a 50,000 word poem?! Me

I have been a procrastinator due to lack of confidence in myself, in many areas of my life. But I made a resolution this year that seems to have lit a fire under me.....I resolved not to make any resolutions I couldn't, or wouldn't, keep. Since then I have accomplished great feats! Okay, so I cleaned a few closets and enrolled in some classes. Point is, I did things I had been putting off for ages. And working on my writing is one of them. And a huge one, at that.

Maybe I won't win any awards. Maybe I won't even get one poem published. But maybe I will. And it's that maybe that has me here today. Here is a sample of one of my poems. Feel free to leave feedback....good or bad...just be gentle.

Hollowed out remnants of
ancestral lies follow no path,
leading off into
layers of suspended disbelief.
Undying chords of dissonance-
clamorings of innocence-
invite chaos into welcoming arms.
Nocturnal lover bites skin and bone-
antithesis of tenderness.
Trailing through golden rivers
iridescent in glistening waves,
Orion reigns silver and white.
Necromancers cast their spells,
sealing slivers of my sanity into jars.

In case you didn't catch it, each line begins with the letters in the title, in succession. I have more poems like that- they are kind of fun and challenging. Good brain exercise! So....what do you think?  *waits impatiently in anticipation and trepidation*

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