Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My heart's lament

Trying to figure out how to cut and paste with a laptop....why don't these things come with instructions? I am holding back a range of emotion....release would do no good, and to vent it all for myself is selfish. So what if it makes me feel better.

Hollow, empty, overturned.......
I speak your name and wake up spurned.
I found my flame,
it burned quite hot-
I scream on fire,
this love was not
the joyful filling in my cup.
You've burned me raw-
you've torn me up.

A raven's claw sharp in my eye,
shreds flesh from bone,
making it unspeakable to cry.
I open wide to scream your name
and choke on smoke and misplaced blame.
I know one day you'll burn for this....
I'll see you there
with love's jagged red kiss.

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