Friday, June 29, 2012

What Hemingway Knew

I am reading a book called "Coffee with Ernest Hemingway," by Kirk Curnutt, with the Forward by John Updike, and it's an interesting place to start if you want to read a good semi-biography. The premise is a kind of coffee convo between the author and Hemingway himself, in an attempt to give him a voice we all can hear.

So as i am reading this, I am taking note of the literary artists of his time what influenced his writing and development of the craft, so that I can read and learn from them, as well. No, I don't want to write like Hemingway. I don't want to write like Eudora Welty, either, though I accidentally found out that I do have her kind of voice. But all voices are not the same, no matter how similar the nuances. And all voices have an individual story to tell, and many different tools and experiences to bring the writing to life, in their own voice.

The best way to find your voice is to write. And sing. And talk, even when no one is listening. And read........everything..........or at least try to, for how will you know what you don't like if you never look at any of it?

Franz Kafka's 'Metamorphosis' made me cry and I haven't read it since, though I cherish it.

Charlotte Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" is the only love story I will ever read. Oh, and there is a ghost, too!

Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" intimidated me but by the third chapter I couldn't put it down and I finished it within a week.

Toni Morrison writes about a life I will never know, not by any means possible.........and she tells it with screams and curses and sex and secrets and poor black slaves, and the magic of just moving forward.

Maya Angelou knows why the caged bird sings, even though it longs to be sings because it has a song. A voice.

And so have I.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I have been thinking a lot lately about the twists and turns my life has taken thus far. It's interesting to look back and know that if I had made one different choice, in anything, my whole life would be different now. But who's to say that would be a good thing? What if this life is not the worst life I could have had?  

Think about it.....every choice, every decision.......that's the main point, really. Choices. No guns to our heads, no one coercing us (usually). We make a choice to use drugs or not use drugs. Each choice leads down a different path. We choose (usually) if we want kids or not....each also a different path. How many kids? Pets? Vegan, not vegan? Every one of those choices could have changed every aspect of the life I have now, but nothing guarantees that this is the worst I could do. One different decision, and I could be a victim of child abuse. Or I could be a Professor in a private College. 

It amazes me the incredible amount of control we have over our lives, for the most part. Yes, things happen. And it stinks. But we choose how to deal with and react to it, don't we? We can feel sorry for ourselves, or help others. We can become criminals, or advocates. We can commit suicide, or refuse to give up. But under normal circumstances, it is always our choice.

I choose to be a writer. I choose to do whatever it takes to become that writer. I choose to learn from my past, not dwell on it anymore. I choose to go outside at night, instead of hiding in my house. I choose to be happy, and do whatever it takes to make that happen (meds, hobbies, relationships, etc). I choose to be kind and generous, but I also choose not to let people use me anymore. I choose to stop trying to impress guys to get them to like me. I choose to be me from now on. I choose to have fun, and laugh, and enjoy the little things, even if others look at me funny. I wonder where this path will take me??  I am excited to find out!!!!!!!

What do you choose??