Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Love....effervescent, time-stopping, body-numbing love. Have you felt it? Does it even exist? Since time began, man has yearned for companionship, and woman has been the slave of her husband, or, as the bible says, "her wanting will be for her husband, and he will have dominion over her." Is that supposed to be a curse, or a blessing? 

Am I supposed to feel comforted by that thought? What about free choice? What if I can't remain in subjection to my so-called husband, and that's if I marry at all? Why should I? 

But what about love? When two people love each other, aren't they really in subjection to each other?  To love, honor, and cherish, with a commitment to remain loyal forever, until death do you part.

Does that even exist anymore? 

Did it ever?

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