Sunday, April 18, 2010

On death and life......

My neighbor died a week ago last Friday. I know because I discovered her body. Or I should say....I called the cops to investigate the smell in our apartment hallway, and I worried something had happened to her. She lived directly across from me, and I knew she had health issues, and I hadn't seen her for a few days.

As soon as the cop entered our building, he said, "Oh yeah. I know that smell." And I knew. So he found her door unlocked, went in, and came right back out, then called whomever he needed to call.

All day was back and forth, with the apartment open most of the time, smell wafting.......and me feeling sad that she spent so long alone before anyone cared to call it in.

She wasn't a friendly person, and enjoyed picking on me because my granddaughter made "too much noise," but still...I put flowers in front of her door.

What we do in life is what people will remember in death. I plan to make my life count. As much as I can, anyway. My granddaughter needs me, my kids still need straightening out, and I have plans to do great things. I want to work with autistic children. I want to go to Italy. I want to learn to water ski. I want to publish a book. Maybe I want to teach in an underprivileged country. I want to rescue homeless animals

Point is, life matters so much more than how and when we die. No matter  how many times Marilyn (my neighbor) complained, I always greeted her warmly. I do nice things for people. I am a good listener for anyone who needs one. I donate to charities. I help people and animals alike. And I love God. I don't always understand Him, or His methods, but I love Him.

I hope all that counts or something when I die.