Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Daily living

I should be writing...have been musing over a poem for the past two weeks for poetry class using alliteration, assonance, and consonance, all in the same poem. I could write garbage, of course, but I prefer perfection, or near enough to it.

Instead I am watching a bad Amityville sequel, and waiting for Peabody's to deliver me up a nice taco salad and BLT sub. I also took a nap for an hour. Such a difficult life I lead.

Underneath all this hubbub is real noise and discontent. I am currently seeking custody of my granddaughter because my daughter would rather party. I am trying to lose weight. 'Nuf said about that. I am seriously trying to take like 6 or 7 classes, all leading somewhere. And I have been tired, so tired lately......naps daily. I am worn out. Exhausted. Pooped.

I have been introduced to new writers, however, and am trying to learn from them.

hm.....food is here. Maybe I'll splash some writing up later.